If you’ve driven down Heights Boulevard lately, you might have noticed some new artwork adorning the old post office building at 11th Street. Art students from Hogg Middle School recently were given creative license to beautify the abandoned building. The old post office building is scheduled for demolition to make room for a new development called Heights Central Station, which will include office, retail, and restaurant space.
Kati Ozanic-Lemberger, an artist in her own right and art teacher at Hogg, spotted another mural on the Yale Street side of the building and decided she wanted a piece of the action for her students. Twenty-five students joined forces to create a masterpiece in blue, purple, yellow, and green, depicting numbers, hearts, and flowers. Ozanic-Lemberger says the mural represents the love and color the children bring to their neighborhood, and helped the students learn teamwork and connect to each other and others in the community.
Said Hogg Middle School Principal Angela Sugarek, “We really strive to get our kids out into the community. We want them to see that art is everywhere, not just something you’re creating in the classroom.”
The murals decorating the former post office have certainly added a bright spot to any drive through the central part of the Heights. Be sure to make your way there to check out the students’ labor of love before the building is demolished in the upcoming months!
For more information, please visit: http://www.chron.com/neighborhood/heights/news/article/Students-create-mural-to-honor-the-Heights-ar
Source: Image via Chron.com